Don't Wait to start feeling a difference in your body and in your riding

DON'T WAIT - Change your body now!
Reconnect with your core to actually improve CORE STRENGTH
through video workouts?!




Learn your Body. Improve Strength. IMPOWER YOUR BODY.

Designed for Mountain Biking Ladies 
BY a Mtn Biker Lady!!

All to often I hear of Ladies not able to feel their core working... not knowing what it means to turn it on...

You can't strengthen it or use it on the bike unless we first get past this point... then we challenge it!

This is for you if...

You have trouble putting power into your pedals for technical Climbing?

You have trouble getting into the Downhill "Ready" position without your quads killing you halfway down the trail?

You have trouble actually feeling your core working and mainly just feel your low back tightening ?

Ready to EMPOWER YOUR BODY by reconnecting with your core and learning how to actually improve CORE STRENGTH
through guided and directed workouts?!

Learn Core Stability through Workout Videos, with your Doctor of Physical Therapy to IMPROVE BIKING



Learn your Body. Improve Strength. IMPOWER YOUR BODY.

Designed for Mountain Biking Ladies 
BY a Lady Mtn Biker!!

All to often I hear of Ladies not able to feel their core working... not knowing what it means to turn it on...

You can't strengthen it or use it on the bike unless we first get past this point... then we challenge it!

This is for you if...

You have trouble putting power into your pedals for technical Climbing?

You have trouble getting into the Downhill "Ready" position without your quads killing you halfway down the trail?

You have trouble actually feeling your core working and mainly just feel your low back tightening ?

Hi - I'm Liz

My name is Liz Koch, DPT, PT. As a physical therapist and mountain bike skills instructor, I know the importance of riding your bike and feeling good about it! I know what it is like to not feel solid out of the trails as well.  We NEED to feel good out there for so many reasons...

Not feeling good on the bike can lead to missed opportunities… saying no to a group ride… not riding different trails. It can also lead to more injuries and time off the bike.

Through some time and commitment, along with having a path, we have the power to change these things… to open up the door to having MORE FUN and MORE EXPERIENCES!

As a doctor of physical therapy, I saw the need to bring this path to more ladies. An online program that focused on form… on doing the exercises correctly… and on starting at the level you needed. Personal training services can be needed and are more expensive. Through this COFE CRUSHERS, I was able to offer an affordable program that you can do at home to help improve your strength, your fitness level, your knowledge base, and most importantly… YOUR RIDING!!!

You make your own plan – through an assessment – to find your strength levels and your plan!

Click HERE to join me and other mountain biking ladies from around the world taking action to improving their riding through workouts now!

If you do feel like you need a more personalized plan – click HERE to fill out an application to work with me individually.

Hi - I'm Liz

My name is Liz Koch, DPT, PT. As a physical therapist and mountain bike skills instructor, I know the importance of riding your bike and feeling good about it! I know what it is like to not feel solid out of the trails as well.  We NEED to feel good out there for so many reasons...

Not feeling good on the bike can lead to missed opportunities… saying no to a group ride… not riding different trails. It can also lead to more injuries and time off the bike.

Through some time and commitment, along with having a path, we have the power to change these things… to open up the door to having MORE FUN and MORE EXPERIENCES!

As a doctor of physical therapy, I saw the need to bring this path to more ladies. An online program that focused on form… on doing the exercises correctly… and on starting at the level you needed. Personal training services can be needed and are more expensive. Through this CORE CRUSHERS, I was able to offer an affordable program that you can do at home to help improve your strength, your knowledge base, and most importantly… YOUR RIDING!!!

You make your own plan – through an assessment – to find your strength levels and your plan!

Click HERE to join me and other mountain biking ladies from around the world taking action to improving their riding through workouts now!

If you do feel like you need a more personalized plan – click HERE to fill out an application to work with me individually.


  • 5  - Main Levels of Core Strength 

For you to start at the level you need

  • Level Based to Help Hip flexor Popping and Tightness Issues

Designed to help you understand the relationship of core to hip flexors 

  • Module Based to the PELVIC FLOOR!!

​Designed by Dr. Buffy Stinchfield, PT, DPT - Pelvic Health Specialist and Doctor of Physical Therapist

  • Mobility Assessment

Mobility is an Important factor of Strength

  • Foam Rolling and Daily Stretch routine 

Easy to perform and Make happen 


Designed to talk through the exercises and guide you to perform it correctly

Not Monkey See Monkey Do


Designed to fit into your busy life... 15-20 min  workouts

Training Starts Tuesday May 28th at 8 PM
Trying to decide if this is the right fit for you??

Hear from others how have benefited from 
The Core Crushers !
Carol Baldwim (MTB Coach) 
"Working with Liz to strengthen my core for riding has helped bridge the gap between thinking about moving my bike in certain ways and actually having the stability and strength to do it. It's helped me be able to tackle more serious terrain because I can rely on my lower body to carry me through things instead of just sitting on the bike and going along for the ride!" 

Hear what Gina said 

"I had other programs that I had started that were too hard for my body and I would get hurt, this one isn't like that"
Hear what Colleen said 

"Definitely give it s shot if you want to get better on your mountain bike"
Hear what Verlee said 

"The encouragement and the accountability between one another and the experience has been amazing"
"MTB is one of my passions as well as my self-care. I love how it makes me feel strong. I love the problem solving aspect of it and how it brings your attention to the present. I love the people that I meet riding, and love the different places that I have visited when taking MTB vacations. I want to continue to improve my skills and strength so that as I age I can continue to participate in the sport of MTB. "

Hear what Carol said 

"I don't like to work out but from the structure of the program and the support from the other members, I was able to stay motivated and stay on target"
Hear what Gina said 

"I had other programs that I had started that were too hard for my body and I would get hurt, this one isn't like that"
Trying to decide if this is the right fit for you??

Hear from others how have benefited from 
The Core Crushers !
Carol Baldwim (MTB Coach) 
"Working with Liz to strengthen my core for riding has helped bridge the gap between thinking about moving my bike in certain ways and actually having the stability and strength to do it. It's helped me be able to tackle more serious terrain because I can rely on my lower body to carry me through things instead of just sitting on the bike and going along for the ride!" 

Hear what Gina said 

"I had other programs that I had started that were too hard for my body and I would get hurt, this one isn't like that"
Hear what Colleen said 

"Definitely give it s shot if you want to get better on your mountain bike"
Hear what Verlee said 

"The encouragement and the accountability between one another and the experience has been amazing"
"MTB is one of my passions as well as my self-care. I love how it makes me feel strong. I love the problem solving aspect of it and how it brings your attention to the present. I love the people that I meet riding, and love the different places that I have visited when taking MTB vacations. I want to continue to improve my skills and strength so that as I age I can continue to participate in the sport of MTB. "

Hear what Carol said 

"I don't like to work out but from the structure of the program and the support from the other members, I was able to stay motivated and stay on target"

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a Recurring Payment?

No it is a one time payment - Lifetime access 

What if I am unhappy with this course?

We have a 30-day money back guarantee policy. I never want you to feel unsatisfied, so contact us (info@theridelife dot com) within the first 30 days of purchase and you'll receive a full refund. 

What if I need help with certain parts of the program?

Please EMAIL ME!!!!!

Will this be detrimental to my lifting program?

Heck no! In fact you will find that targeting some of the areas that help you stay more balanced and using your core more will help you with the heavier lifts.

What if I already do Yoga?

Great! You can add that to the times when I want you to do more mobility to stay recovered and healthy!

What if I can't do all the workouts each week?

This is a go at your own pace training program. Yes I push for you to do your workouts, but life happens and you can pick back up with them the next week.

How much time does it take?

To get started allow an hour to complete your assessments (CORE and MOBILITY), just like you would when starting with a personal trainer. The the workouts for the different levels have videos and handouts. 
15 min each workout

How long does it take to finish the program?

Never really, this isn't a 12 week program... It is designed to be stepped up as you increase in strength, 
each Core Level has 4 workouts. 

Copyright 2020 The Ride Life, LLC. All rights reserved.

Section - Liz
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